We who were born in the 20th Century tend to take a very 20th Century view of world history, but most of the depredations you speak of were seen in abundance in the nation that gave America the Statue of Liberty, from her roots in Revolutionary France which imposed 'The Terror' (1793-1794) which became the model of Socialist Revolution thereafter. Whatever the reasons for the friendship, it’s a big warning sign and one you should take seriously. No one knew what the revenues of the treasury were...
Decades before Fleabag snogged a priest, before a Snuggie-wrapped Liz Lemon dined on night cheese, and before Lena Dunham sat naked in a bathtub eating a cupcake on Girls, Aline Kominsky-Crumb was bringing the messy interior lives of women to life in her comics. Under a recent proposal, some would have to register for 10 years, some for 20 and some for life. Following the passage of Jessica's Law in California, many SVP's who might gain unsupervised community release will still have some parole ...
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