Um Sucht zu verstehen, hilft es nicht, zu schauen, was falsch damit ist. Man muss schauen, was gut daran ist. Was bekommt der Mensch von ihr, was er sonst nicht kriegt.
The Hungry Ghost Inside Us
Everyone living in a capitalist world is dealing with the hungry ghost. We all feel the pain of disconnection, of having our value determined by our economic output, of knowing that we are all replace...View MoreEveryone living in a capitalist world is dealing with the hungry ghost. We all feel the pain of disconnection, of having our value determined by our economic output, of knowing that we are all replaceable. The pain is so ever present, we can hardly see it because it is always there. We feel it in the destroyed ecosystems, in the abused children, in the tortured animals, in the deprivation of the homeless, and in every unloved being. The pain is everywhere. And since we are empathic beings who are hard-wired to feel the pain of another, it hurts.We are all in pain.Support the creation of more videos like this: This video was created as a gift to humanity by Chris and Dawn AgnosOriginal speech from Dr.Gabor Mate's TED talk:The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power: Gabor Maté at TEDxRio+20( track: Second track: YouTube Credits:At Pine Ridge, tribe wages battle against alcoholism ( Abuse PSA ( Tempted ( ( Meth is Destroying South African Communities (2006) ( Brothers (English) ( The Drug Deadlier than Heroin ( banker in San Francisco confronts new reality ( Trump Fake Smile And Frown (with sound) - What Did Donald Trump Say At Inauguration? ( About Drugs Documentary: Crystal-Meth ( us caption & translate this video!
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